The Startup Jam Session
Jam sessions used to refer to bands. Today, I often find myself in conversation with a group of entrepreneurs about "having a jam session," nailing down ideas. If startups are the new version of the band, the after-school get-together, the creative moment, then today's jam session you don't need a lead guitarist, a bassist, and a drummer. What you need is a Hacker, a Hustler, and a Designer, a techie, a business lead, and someone to help communicate the story. The backend architect holds the beat, drops the bass, and provides the drum line. The front end designer is the lead guitarist, taking you out to the edge, up the frets, and to a place you didn't see coming. The hustler helps get the band gigs, and helps you get studio time to lay down your hit tracks.
The startup jam session is the new jam session, a creative outlet for today's millennial.